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This song is a special song for me. For so many years I tried to fit inside a box, pursue "real jobs" to try to make a living, but always wanting to come back to my music roots. Being true to myself, and doing what I feel I was made to do, sing and share my story.

Adventure is always calling me, and I am so excited to go on an adventure of a lifetime. 2019 I will be heading on the road, touring across Canada on my motorcycle, singing in different venues from the east coast to the west coast.


Adventure’s Calling Me - Kassie Tyers

Adventure’s calling me. Oooo adventure’s calling me

Don’t wanna fit inside of anyone’s box Cause I’m a free spirit a free spirit
I used to change to please everybody else But I’m a free spirit a free spirit

I’m gonna be true to who I am
Living on the wild side but part of your plan

Adventure’s calling me Oooo adventure’s calling me to…
SOAR with wings and DIVE into the sea
CLIMB up mountains
FOLLOWING my dreams
LIVE the life how you created me
Adventure’s calling me
Adventure’s calling me

I’d rather travel on 2 wheels
Cause I’m a free spirit a free spirit
I’d rather live humble with a heart that feels
I’m a free spirit a free spirit

You are calling me to SOAR
Calling me to SWIM
Calling me to CLIMB,
Calling me to LIVE

Adventure’s calling me
Adventure’s calling me
Adventure’s calling me